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Our Expertise



The IT world is in constant motion. It’s vital you have motivated and properly trained professionals who keep your digital world up to date. Rely on our IT experts for solutions to all your IT challenges.


At SDA Innovative IT Solutions, we have extensive experience bringing clients and specialists together, matching needs with skills and finding projects that appeal to interests and experience.

Our specialized

recruitment services


Keep your organisation moving forward - even when you’re missing key skills or competences - by contracting an IT specialist or engineer who offers exactly what you need.

Payroll Services

About to hire a payroll employee? Make sure you choose the right person. SDA Innovative IT Solutions offers you the services to help you find the perfect recruit.

Contract Management

Lost in a labyrinth of legislation? It’s become increasingly difficult to navigate the legal complexities of employment contracts. The experts at SDA Innovative IT Solutions offer you the help you need, whether it’s guidance or a full-service solution.

Recruitment Solutions

Recruitment problem? We take the time to listen and understand what you need. We then use that knowledge to deliver a targeted, effective solution that leaves you smiling.

Offshore Development

Are you in need of high-quality software development? SDA Innovative IT Solutions has offshore project management that deliver low-risk, low-cost solutions.


Do you need experienced people to streamline your recruitment processes? SDA Innovative IT Solutions delivers you the right people, processes and software.