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SDA Innovative IT Solutions is since many years the loyal partner for clients and professionals. We guarantee professionalism in the entire search for the right match. We know the market and its players and are aware of the most recent developments.

SDA Innovative IT Solutions is your expert in recruiting, sourcing and managing the highly skilled IT & Engineering talent you need.

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At SDA Innovative IT Solutions you will find bright, knowledgeable and hardworking staff committed to providing clients with executives, professionals and specialists whose skills advance business performance and profitability. Throughout our network you will find recruitment experts who are united by the following set of business values:

SDA Innovative IT Solutions does not divulge any information whatsoever about a candidate to a client or to other external contacts without having received the candidate’s expressed consent. We treat all information from clients and candidates as strictly confidential. We undertake to maintain strict confidentiality in respect of all matters which we become aware of in connection with assignments. We always refrain from actively contacting candidates in the companies that we work closely with. All documentation is are stored in a secure manner. All candidates are treated in a friendly and professional manner. We are also aware that the way in which we treat our candidates has a direct impact on our clients’ reputation.

We think that social, environmental and ethical issues are crucial in creating a sustainable business. Being part of the SDA Innovative IT Solutions Group also means being a valuable contributor to society. At SDA Innovative IT Solutions we are always ready to support organisations and initiatives which benefit society in general. All candidates are treated in a friendly and professional manner. We are also aware that the way in which we treat our candidates has a direct impact on our clients’ reputation.